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We warmly welcome you on our website. Its creation was led by the invention made recently in 2007 which had dramatically changed all the modern approaches in applied psychology and human psychophysiology.

Our authors’ psychological workshop is unique in nature and has no analogues in the world. Here experts have been assessing and forecasting the daily emotional and behavioral states and psycho-physiological human activity. The basis of that is the latest author's technique patented in Russia and abroad. With its help, now we can accurately and confidently predict which the emotional reactions of the person will be, how his behavior will change.

As was established in the course of our recent research, the complex mechanisms of the night regulation, specifically, presence of the night hypersympathicotonia syndrome, plays an important role in developing and predicting psycho-physiological reactions. The results of research have convincingly shown that sleep, and, consequently, rest is ineffective with this new syndrome. And the most important fact is that these people do not realize that they practically do not sleep. The consequence of these research achievements had been the creation of the algorithm of consistent instructional techniques application. Their accurate implementation always makes it possible to get the guaranteed answer to the question whether a person has recovered during the night, whether the resource which will determine the emotional state and behavior of the person and which was accumulated during the night is sufficient, whether a particular employee will be right for the position, which the reason for treatment failure is, how to find the best way to health, success and much more. Hence it is obvious that this new method can be applied in all kinds of professional activity - economics, law, computer science and communications, medicine, science, pedagogy, nutrition field, agriculture, maintenance and service, sports, art, technology, transport.

We would like to bring our sincere apologies in advance to the authors of numerous websites of the similar direction, advertising and offering a variety of psychological methodological educational supplies, such as stress resistance training, business training, etc., hundreds, if not thousands of which are in the Internet.

The fact is that after the discovery had been recognized as an official invention not only in Russia but also abroad, most of dogmas and assumptions which the trainings were based on turned old. So, for example, whether or not an employee of the company has to develop stress resistance in the team, if you know in advance that it would be impossible for him at this stage? Our discovery allows one to give a clear answer to this. The funds, time and human resources of the company will be spared. With the cause foreknown and the reason understood, we have found a way to correct, after which, perhaps, the stress resistance development itself will not be required.

The key area of the new method application is the situations where a person has to make a responsible decision. And he must be sure in advance that he does everything right, and then possible remorse on the excessive or insufficient confidence in the decision-taking will not torture him. It is this confidence that we can guarantee our customer.


Prevention of traffic accidents with the human factor involved. For instance, the owner of an expensive car does not have time to slow down. The estimated response does not match with the actual, real one. Could he know about it in advance? If he could, he would probably not have got behind the wheel and would have saved not only the car. We will be able to reply to this question.

A responsible official is about to make an important decision. Even having lots of experience, how can he make sure that "intuition suggested the right decision?" Where can one find confidence in the right solution choice? It is this confidence that we can guarantee our clients in advance, using our new method, based on the strict scientific evidence-based approach, which had been repeatedly proved in practice.

Traditional routine of a small company where everyone plays its challenging role. To perform this role or work properly, no better and no worse, but exactly as it is necessary for the overall success, our capabilities will be required. We will have to reply to the question of the Head of the company whether the physiological capabilities of each one are sufficient to achieve the overall result. The new method of forecasting the psycho-physiological state of a person is the essential part of this work. With the simplified approaches such as stress resistance training etc. the problems of each employee will only “go deeper”. In this case the flexible distribution and redistribution of the load will help, the work force decides everything. How to achieve such a correct distribution, how to predict success reasonably and evade the psycho-emotional breakdowns? The “method of human psycho-physiological state prediction...” will help to answer these questions.

Frequent situation in modern sport when huge expenses for the sportsman’s support do not pay for the long-awaited victory. The coach as well as sports physicians come from the immediate availability of the sportsman’s organism, while our method allows one to predict the result, i.e. expended force and means to achieve the result will not be lost. It is also important for the sportsman himself, for his future achievements - to know exactly that his estimates will or will not match the actual and required ones during the competition.

A huge quantity of psychosomatic problems or diseases can now be solved much easier and more efficiently, because it has become fundamentally easier to monitor the implementation of stress in a variety of somatic manifestations. Actually, the process of early diagnosis of the initial stages of somatic diseases or even diagnosis of deviations from the diagnostic standards has been gradually changing. Now all the early diagnosis of psychosomatic disorders is based on the search of more and more so-called somatic disease markers. The long-term prospective and population studies of clinical epidemiologists confirm the link between stress and development of somatic diseases. Yes, now it is the proved scientific fact. There are also numerous modern mechanisms of stress implementation on the neuroendocrine level. However, all these mechanisms only state the fact. Hence, there is prevention and its methodology which fulfills mostly a prohibitive function. There is no main implementing link between stress and development of the somatic disease that is to find out exactly in what case stress can cause disease and who will need only a small psycho-correction or even a simple holiday. Our invented method of psychosomatic human activities forecasting just replies to all these questions.

The invention had radically changed its approach to the treatment of psychosomatic disorders. Currently we know that the traditional drug therapy is mainly focused on the reduction of clinical manifestations - consequences of the suffered stress, i.e. concomitant cardiovascular reactions such as hypertensive events, hypertension as the disease etc. And if approaches to the treatment of somatic diseases are more or less known, then the correction of primary psychological disorders, causing the somatization of stress, reduces, unfortunately, either to the ineffective psychological treatment at the time when the clearly noticeable psychological disorders exist, or to the drug therapy aimed at suppressing of the number of functions of the central and autonomic nervous systems. Here a lot of means are used, including drugs from the most “light” to such “high-efficiency” ones after which the further socialization of the patient is required.

Our invention allows us to predict the development of psychological disorders. All of our ongoing efforts will be directed not to the effects reduction of the suffered stress brought into vascular responses, but on the primary prevention of stress development. Simply stated, we can now say for sure who needs help, even in the absence of clear symptoms of psychological distress, and who doesn’t need such help on a full scale because even in the presence of clinical manifestations of stress we guarantee that these manifestations will disappear on their own and will not require special assistance.

Application of the invention in aviation and cosmonautics. Aircrew selection for health includes a variety of training types of the person in extreme conditions. In military aviation the requirements are even higher, and the pilot must be able to overcome multiple overload maintaining clarity of thought. The astronaut training course is even tougher. The state of health required for that is extremely rare. But it does not even guarantee anything. It is well known from official statistics that the majority of accidents in aviation are due to the human factor. The overtrained pilot commits elementary errors. The reason is that a man always remains a man, and the correct operation of its emotional and volitional spheres is largely determined by the resource accumulated during the night. The method of human psycho-physiological state prediction... just gives a guaranteed response whether the person recovered per night, whether his rest was enough to show the reactions and flying skills on a full scale required for flight.

Here is only a short list of possible applications of the new method. The real scope of application is much wider as life itself with its varied manifestations. The particular application of the new method depends on the questions which you put in front of us, our dear visitors.



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