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Traditional routine of a small company where everyone plays its challenging role. To perform this role or work properly, no better and no worse, but exactly as it is necessary for the overall success, our capabilities will be required. We will have to reply to the question of the Head of the company whether the physiological capabilities of each one are sufficient to achieve the overall result. The new method of forecasting the psycho-physiological state of a person is the essential part of this work. With the simplified approaches such as stress resistance training etc. the problems of each employee will only “go deeper”. In this case the flexible distribution and redistribution of the load will help, the work force decides everything. How to achieve such a correct distribution, how to predict success reasonably and evade the psycho-emotional breakdowns? The “method of human psycho-physiological state prediction...” will help to answer these questions.

Frequent situation in modern sport when huge expenses for the sportsman’s support do not pay for the long-awaited victory. The coach as well as sports physicians come from the immediate availability of the sportsman’s organism, while our method allows one to predict the result, i.e. expended force and means to achieve the result will not be lost. It is also important for the sportsman himself, for his future achievements - to know exactly that his estimates will or will not match the actual and required ones during the competition.

A huge quantity of psychosomatic problems or diseases can now be solved much easier and more efficiently, because it has become fundamentally easier to monitor the implementation of stress in a variety of somatic manifestations. Actually, the process of early diagnosis of the initial stages of somatic diseases or even diagnosis of deviations from the diagnostic standards has been gradually changing. Now all the early diagnosis of psychosomatic disorders is based on the search of more and more so-called somatic disease markers. The long-term prospective and population studies of clinical epidemiologists confirm the link between stress and development of somatic diseases. Yes, now it is the proved scientific fact. There are also numerous modern mechanisms of stress implementation on the neuroendocrine level. However, all these mechanisms only state the fact. Hence, there is prevention and its methodology which fulfills mostly a prohibitive function. There is no main implementing link between stress and development of the somatic disease that is to find out exactly in what case stress can cause disease and who will need only a small psycho-correction or even a simple holiday. Our invented method of psychosomatic human activities forecasting just replies to all these questions.