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We would like to bring our sincere apologies in advance to the authors of numerous websites of the similar direction, advertising and offering a variety of psychological methodological educational supplies, such as stress resistance training, business training, etc., hundreds, if not thousands of which are in the Internet.

The fact is that after the discovery had been recognized as an official invention not only in Russia but also abroad, most of dogmas and assumptions which the trainings were based on turned old. So, for example, whether or not an employee of the company has to develop stress resistance in the team, if you know in advance that it would be impossible for him at this stage? Our discovery allows one to give a clear answer to this. The funds, time and human resources of the company will be spared. With the cause foreknown and the reason understood, we have found a way to correct, after which, perhaps, the stress resistance development itself will not be required.

The key area of the new method application is the situations where a person has to make a responsible decision. And he must be sure in advance that he does everything right, and then possible remorse on the excessive or insufficient confidence in the decision-taking will not torture him. It is this confidence that we can guarantee our customer.


Prevention of traffic accidents with the human factor involved. For instance, the owner of an expensive car does not have time to slow down. The estimated response does not match with the actual, real one. Could he know about it in advance? If he could, he would probably not have got behind the wheel and would have saved not only the car. We will be able to reply to this question.

A responsible official is about to make an important decision. Even having lots of experience, how can he make sure that "intuition suggested the right decision?" Where can one find confidence in the right solution choice? It is this confidence that we can guarantee our clients in advance, using our new method, based on the strict scientific evidence-based approach, which had been repeatedly proved in practice.